About the POWER Section

Electricity production generated almost a quarter of 2010 global greenhouse gas emissions (27% in the US). Second only to transportation in the US as a source of greenhouse gas emissions, there is major potential to reduce the impacts of emissions in this sector. At present, only 11% of US energy comes from renewable sources!

In this section, we will dive into the options available in small-scale renewable energy.

The solutions we focus on, as always, are things that you and your communities can actually do- we will give you the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions around selection and implementation.


We'll take a look at the what of power, the renewable energy technologies that are out there and can be executed on a small-scale- residential or community- basis.


Image: Paul Willis

Solar light and heat is captured using a variety of technologies including photovoltaics and solar thermal energy.


Image: David Blaikie

Small scale wind converts the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical power, both directly and indirectly.


Image: Earthlinked Technologies, Inc.

Geothermal energy doesn't require volcanic activity; rather, it can be harnessed almost anywhere on earth and used in residential heating and cooling systems.

Micro Hydro

Image: thegreenage.co.uk

Yes- micro-DIY-hydro power is possible! In fact, it's one of the simplest and most consistent alternatives for power.

Implementation Strategies

The how of power is quite important. We are trained to think that power in a particular way- a company produces it (usually somewhere and somehow we do not know) and we buy it from them, as individuals.

Photo: Paul Willis

However, this system is not inevitable nor is it the only option available. Individuals can- as anyone who has seen a solar panel on a roof knows- produce power themselves. But we can also produce power as communities- this is a good solution not only for building community but also for pooling resources to make renewable affordable for everyone.