Future Plans

The Center for Ecological Design has big plans for the future. 

In 2022, the CED’s activities will expand to a physical space: a 17-acre parcel in Huntsville, Utah which will be developed into a center for the experiential learning and practice we promote. This physical center will allow us to invite short- and longer-term participants to learn about, experiment with, and ultimately create carbon-negative sustainability innovations and artworks. Infastructurally, through the work of founders and participants, the project will culminate in guesthouses that provide examples of different types of sustainable housing, indoor and outdoor spaces for learning and collaboration, a makerspace, interactive art installations, permaculture gardens, and recreational trails. The center will hold formal and informal classes and workshops related to our mission. 

Proposed Physical Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a core element of the proposed project (moving beyond the research core) as it not only provides the spaces necessary to provide the basic needs of participants, but also to provide the concrete learning opportunities we seek to offer. The proposed infrastructure is diverse and holistic, including spaces for dwelling, learning and collaboration, experimentation, making, and recreation.


One of the most basic challenges in drastically reducing our climate imprint is re-thinking the very structures we call home. Happily, experimentations with a variety of different solutions to this problem have already been proposed: from rammed-earth semi-underground constructions, to shipping containers, and tiny homes that use passive solar. None of these solutions are perfect for every situation, place and person- thus the project proposes the construction of a variety of small houses that are examples of different types of sustainable housing solutions. In this way, visitors not only will learn about sustainable housing, but will build and experience it with their own bodies.


The project proposes not only to host formal classes and workshops, but also to provide opportunities for connection. As such, an outdoor gathering space for summer and an indoor gathering space for winter are proposed, constructed with principles of collaborative learning and sustainability at the forefront.


 The central problem identified by the proposed project is the challenge of both imagining and physically creating solutions to the climate crisis; solutions that address the panoply of human needs. As such, projects will be launched in the areas of waste (e.g. composting toilets), water (e.g. rainwater collection), power (e.g. solar, wind), heating and cooling (e.g. geothermal), and food (e.g. permaculture). 


The sustainability experiments proposed by the present project contrast from traditional modalities of creating residential infrastructure in both form and the processes of production- this is a key part of their potential to create a post-fossil fuel experimental space. All projects created on site will be made on site- thus a physical space for making stocked with all necessary tools is vital. A large makerspace is proposed with capacities for metal working, wood working, laser cutters, 3D printers, studio.


Wonder is a core value this project. Without wonder, where is inspiration, motivation? We propose spaces that allow for the placement of interactive art- for cultivation of imagination, play, and fun. Hiking and meditation trails allow for re-connection with nature. A hot spring/baths provide a place for relaxation and rejuvenation. 


The proposed urban plan takes form around a series of concentric circles that are paths. Intensity of use increases as one moves towards the center of the circle. On the outer ring, secondary agriculture (long-term crops like garlic), materials collection points, and some natural spaces are found. In the middle ring, dwelling spaces surround permaculture gardens and small gathering areas. In the inner ring, space for making: a workshop. In the center of it all is a pavilion: an outdoor gathering space that provides some shelter from the elements and most importantly spaces for collaboration and connection. A trail that meanders through forest/natural areas, an outdoor art forest, and a meditation area.